Banks & Finance

Reksoft creates complex solutions that help to respond quickly and effectively to changes in technologies and business models, meet customer expectations and regulatory requirements. Our products cover all areas of financial activity and allow companies to set the rules of the game in the market themselves. The results are increased profits, increased customer loyalty and continued competitiveness.

Strategic approach, competence in the field of data management and architecture, extensive experience in software development and Agile thinking allow us to carry out a comprehensive digital transformation of the business. We reduce the time to market of financial products and services, ensure their high flexibility, reliability and scalability.


  • Digital transformation of business
  • Integration of digital and traditional channels
  • Customer Experience Management (CEM)
  • Online banking services
  • Integration platforms
  • Risk management
  • Payment services
  • Transactions with plastic cards, payments and transfers
  • Development of new services within the framework of digital banking
  • Mobile applications
  • Analytics and Big Data
  • Wealth Management (WM)
  • Co-branding projects and interaction with partners
  • Credit pipeline and lending processes