E-Commerce Advantage Solutions

E-commerce is a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of online shopping for customers. It allows users to make purchases quickly, easily, at any time and regardless of where they live.

The e-commerce developments are constantly growing and merchants must meet the current market requirements in order to remain rival. Our profound expertise with online trade helps to create powerful digital transformation paradigms that your competitors will wow at.

We unite exceptional development standards, cutting-edge technology vision and customer-first business approach to implementing award-winning omnichannel and One Retail e-commerce solutions.

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The sphere of trading via the Internet is profitable, promising for retailers and easy and attractive for customers. But in order to sell your products or services online, it is important to take into account many factors, such as platform selection, website elaboration, application creation, design, scalability, sustainability, competitors, etc.

Reksoft team will take over software development so that you can focus on critical business matters.

Customer experience is the king of online retail. Fluctuating needs of users require companies not just to stay relevant, but to anticipate emerging demands and propose the most convenient client solution.

This is the business of rapid digital breakthroughs that reinvent our shopping paradigm. We can help you to stay up to that pace, assess priorities and remodel trade strategy to gain competitive advantage.

How we help

We aim for your service to achieve digital excellence by providing these solutions:

Digital Transformation Strategy

We assess your greater goals and propose comprehensive strategy that quantifies each step towards their fulfillment.

Consumer Experience Audit

We analyze your target audience insights, develop your customers’ profiles and help you redefine your growth channels and align it with your customers’ expectations both in UI and UX paradigms.

Redigitalizing Your Operations

We research your IT architecture and create a new redefined data landscape that saves resources, funds and effort.

Big Data & Predictive Analytics

We create data networks that can provide your business analytics with factual information for your future essential decisions.

What we do

From front office digitalization to the complete customization of your store operations, we are your valued solutions developer:

Enterprise E-Commerce Platforms

By combining our industry expertise with proprietary enterprise and open source e-commerce platform features, we empower your enterprise to stay relevant to your customers whenever they are.

Web & Mobile Development

Our pioneering experience in European markets has taught us that great enterprises are built on solid foundations. We apply that paradigm to our development approach and create fault-proof customer interfaces.

Microservices Architecture

Whenever you’d need a distributed, independent and fault-proof custom service that makes up for the downsides of your current platform, we are happy to propose solutions based on microservices.

MVP Development and Quick Launch

Rapid market fluctuations require fast reaction and relevant solutions deployment. We can partner with you in a collaborative product management environment to create a quick MVP, develop it and measure its business performance, making it more viable and cost-effective as we go.

ERP, Assembly, Ordering and Payments

Operations that can’t be quantified and reported on will become obsolete sooner than you think. Creating a single coherent IT environment that measures every nook and cranny of your enterprise is essential for future growth.

Loyalty, CRM & Marketing

Omnichannel e-commerce is a requirement these days, not a luxury. We recognize emerging consumer tech trends and combine them with your existing customer data to enable the shopping experience to be delightful and the client’s profile to become a complete 360 view.

Why choose Reksoft

We provide custom web development services for e-commerce and optimization of existing applications and programs, taking into account the peculiarities and nuances of your business.

Our agency employs qualified and experienced developers, project managers and engineers who make the designing process efficient and successful.

Reksoft will create IT solutions for e-commerce are able to fast and simple integration in software system, with a modern interface and the necessary individual set of functions and algorithms for your company. This will reduce costs and improve the optimisation of the entire business process.

Contact our experts

Learn how our capabilities can be applied to your enterprise evolution. Talk to our expert, it’s free.

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Completed Projects


Years of experience


Customers in Europe and USA

Featured Project: OKEY Omnichannel Digital Retailer

Learn how we have partnered with OKEY Group (LEX) to set up online food retailer based on an enterprise-scale supermarkets chain and led it to continuous digital enrichment in customer experience, payment security, complex supply chain integrity and constant revenue growth.

“I want to underline the ability of Reksoft specialists to quickly dive into the business context of the tasks and to suggest optimal high-tech solutions for them in the optimal time”

Elena Remennikova, Chief of e-Commerce Department at O’KEY Group

Other E-Commerce Projects

By studying business challenges and nearest pain points, we develop and implement universal solutions that provide digital excellence in various fields

Creating ASSIST — secure digital payment system for CIS

Today, more than 400 online retailers use ASSIST on their sites, and the number of connections is constantly growing. ASSIST brings numerous benefits and compliance with data security makes it a trusted partner for online merchants, consumers and internet providers.

Ozon: First Russian Online Megastore

Setting up the full cycle of digital consumer retail experience has allowed Russia-based food chain to demonstrate annual growth by 30% from 2009 to present days.

Giftery — online gift certificate store & loyalty provider

Giftery.ru is an innovative SaaS platform for producing and selling electronic gift certificates, which is today a de facto standard in electronic commerce. The company has existed since 2010, providing its customers with a completely new and unique service for digital retail markets.

Our Customers